Monday, June 10, 2013

State of the Blog Address – 6/9/13

It’s been far too long since I’ve been here.

Not for bad reasons this time! I started this blog back in October because I’ve always wanted to do it, and I constantly found myself in an ambitious writing mood with a LOT of free time. So it came quite naturally. ALL the time. But now…I’m…

I’m kinda busy.

Softball twice a week, Second City classes twice a week, hanging out with friends and stuff all weekend…I’ve found myself in the exact opposite state I was in a year ago in Brazil, IN, where I was excited for Friday nights because that meant Friday Night Fights was on ESPN.

Yes, you read that correct. I was excited for Friday nights because that meant I could stay at home and watch TV.

Ugh. I missed out on so much life back then…

Anyways, the point is, I don’t blog as often as before because I’ve got too much going on right now, not because of some other crazy thing going on in my life. But there’s good news! I’m losing my second Second City class in two weeks, I’ve got at least six blog stories in draft mode now, and the tons of random people that keep running into me and asking/talking about this tiny little corner of the internet reallllllllly make me want to add to this blog….and I will.

After all, this is vacation, I have tons more free time, and I’m getting more material than you would believe. Two days in and already there’s the insanity at Perkin’s, the water bottle grenade toss that soaked my pants for the remaining six hour drive to the resort, crazy story time with Grandpa (he got the duck drunk? Really?), Coca-Cola Hiroshima, nonstop wrestling action…and it’s only a day and a half in. We should really auction off a guest spot to pay for everything. But sincerely, I do plan on updating this blog at least twice by the end of this week, and more often in the future once all this insanity passes. So do keep reading, I’ve got a LOTTTTTTTTT of stuff to talk about, a lot of laughter to spread, and I do love it when people read and provide feedback…

So until next time…Thank you…and enjoy!

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