Monday, November 26, 2012

The Real Facebook Disclaimer...

This claimer will actually mean something legal on your Facebook're legally intelligent...

ACTUAL LEGIT LEGAL PRIVACY NOTICE: Warning – any person, institution, agent, and/or agency of any government or business structure including but limited to the United States Government that is currently using and or monitoring this site or any of its associated websites, you TOTALLY have my permission to utilize anything on my profile like you own it (which, as it turns out, you do). That picture 

of my girlfriend’s cute dog? It’s yours. My comments about how much the Packers suck? Forge and distribute. My hilarious status about the evils of Taco Bell and Gyros in the same night? By all means, pass that along like the common cold. This goes for any and all photos, portraits, photoshopped portraits, statuses, notes, updates, drunk ramblings, and especially any comments made by my mother, those are hilarious! I want to see them everywhere. Dead center of Times Square, the picture of my Lego Batman Halloween costume, right next to the pleasantly underclothed Victora’s Secret models. Use my profile and paint the town like a NASCAR car. It’s all yours, go for it!

Additionally, you are all hereby notified, nay, encouraged, to disclose, copy, distribute, disseminate, and/or take any necessary action against me for any of the wondrous things I post on this profile. The foregoing encouragement also applies to any of your employees, lawyers, agents, bouncers, bill collectors, angry ex-boyfriends, jealous ex-girlfriends, pissed-off current girlfriends, my parents, and/or anybody else that sees anything at all I put on my profile. The contents of this profile are in no way whatsoever private, they are absolutely not legally privileged, and what in Jamaica are you smoking that makes you think this is in any way confidential information? It’s FACEBOOK’s servers, it’s FACEBOOK’s website, and if you really don’t want the whole world to see it, DON’T PUT IT ON FACEBOOK.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Song Parody #2: Pass Me Maybe

This song is far too catchy not to parody. Song #2 of 4 is "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen, rewritten to "Pass Me Maybe," something most Rose students beg their professors to do at least once in their four years. And unlike the actual song that repeats the exact same choruses, I continuously changed two of the three stanzas throughout the entire song. So be sure to read it all! Enjoy!

"Pass Me Maybe"

I passed through high school with ease,
not one grade under nineties
then I aced my SAT’s,
and now I go to Rose

An engineering degree,
That wouldn’t be too shabby
I’ll even get it in three,
But now I go to Rose

To class I’m strollin’,
First week, easy goin’
hard work, never flowin’
Thought I was all knowing, baby!

Hey, I made each class,
your tests were crazy,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

I haven’t slept now,
In like eight days,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

Hey, I made each class,
your tests were crazy,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

And all my other schools,
couldn’t faze me,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

You gave us notes every day
I took my own anyway
Just finals week to outplay
not bad, welcome to Rose

This test, last one for my class,
Get a “C” and I’ll pass
But then it straight kicked my ass,
Oh hey, welcome to Rose

My hopes all famish,
Dean’s list, all but vanish
This test, is it Spanish?
I’m about to perish, save me!

Hey, I made each class,
your tests were crazy,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

My once bright future,
Now is shady,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

Hey, I made each class,
your tests were crazy,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

And I do swear to you,
I’m not lazy,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

Before I came into this class
My grades were so high
My grades were so high
My grades were so, so high

Before I came into this class
My grades were so high
I’m smart like Bill Nye
My grades were so, so high

My memory is,
Getting hazy
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

Hey, I made each class,
your tests were crazy,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

And on all the homework,
I got straight A’s,
I studied all night,
So pass me, maybe?

Before I came into this class
My grades were so high
My grades were so high
My grades were so, so high

Before I came into this class
My grades were so high
Please don’t make me cry

So pass me, maybe?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Song Parody #1: Some Nights (How Can I Pass This?)

And it begins! Here is the first of four song parodies, one per day until studying for finals is over at Dear Old Rose. (See that announcement here: The first song is "Some Nights" by Fun, rewritten to..."Some Nights (How can I pass This?)". Enjoy!

"Some Nights (How Can I Pass This?)"

Some nights, I stay up studying for finals
Some nights, I give up at four
Some nights, I cram like I’m packing up a suitcase
Some nights, balled up on the floor

But I still read notes, I still make flash cards,
Although, I'm still not sure it will help at all
How can I pass this? How can I pass this?
Most tests, I’d take D’s, for my score...
Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh oh
Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh oh

Finals week, boys, time to cry – grades are about to die
Why can't we pack for home already?
Four hour tests giving misery – that’s been banned in most countries
They’re twice as long and I’m half as smart, and here they come again to crush my hopes

But that's alright; Halo 4 comes out on Monday night
Shooting aliens should take my mind off my exams, my exams, my exams
Oh, my exams? ewww... ewww...

Well, some nights, I wish I had gone Finance
Cause I’d be at a party right now
And some nights, I’m scared my social life is dead
Some nights, I get no sleep, I get no sleep...

But I still read notes, I still make flash cards,
Although, I'm still not sure it will help at all
How can I pass this? How can I pass this?
Most tests, I’d take D’s…(for sure)

So this is it? I sold my college years for this?
Given up on dates for this?
Forgot showers and WoW for this?

(Come on)

No. When I take tests, (when I take), when I take tests, they’re not so bad
When it’s finals, they’re just thrice as long, so come on
Oh, come on. Oh, come on, OH COME ON!

Well, that is it guys, that is all – one hour gone, nothing’s written down
Four years of this, I'm not sure how anybody graduates
These tests were not made for mortal minds; How could our profs be so unkind?
All I think when I try to sleep is Gandalf “You shall not pass”

My heart is breaking with my classmates, as we try to graduate
When I look onto my graded tests...
Man, you would not believe, the most amazing grades, that can come from...
All partial credit...ahhh...

Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa, oh oh
Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa, oh oh

The other night, I saw on Facebook my Rose alum friends and all their cool stuff
They made it through, and damn it was tough
It's for the best I study longer…
It's for the best I study harder... oh...
It's for the best I study longer…
It's for the best I study harder... oh...