Monday, November 26, 2012

The Real Facebook Disclaimer...

This claimer will actually mean something legal on your Facebook're legally intelligent...

ACTUAL LEGIT LEGAL PRIVACY NOTICE: Warning – any person, institution, agent, and/or agency of any government or business structure including but limited to the United States Government that is currently using and or monitoring this site or any of its associated websites, you TOTALLY have my permission to utilize anything on my profile like you own it (which, as it turns out, you do). That picture 

of my girlfriend’s cute dog? It’s yours. My comments about how much the Packers suck? Forge and distribute. My hilarious status about the evils of Taco Bell and Gyros in the same night? By all means, pass that along like the common cold. This goes for any and all photos, portraits, photoshopped portraits, statuses, notes, updates, drunk ramblings, and especially any comments made by my mother, those are hilarious! I want to see them everywhere. Dead center of Times Square, the picture of my Lego Batman Halloween costume, right next to the pleasantly underclothed Victora’s Secret models. Use my profile and paint the town like a NASCAR car. It’s all yours, go for it!

Additionally, you are all hereby notified, nay, encouraged, to disclose, copy, distribute, disseminate, and/or take any necessary action against me for any of the wondrous things I post on this profile. The foregoing encouragement also applies to any of your employees, lawyers, agents, bouncers, bill collectors, angry ex-boyfriends, jealous ex-girlfriends, pissed-off current girlfriends, my parents, and/or anybody else that sees anything at all I put on my profile. The contents of this profile are in no way whatsoever private, they are absolutely not legally privileged, and what in Jamaica are you smoking that makes you think this is in any way confidential information? It’s FACEBOOK’s servers, it’s FACEBOOK’s website, and if you really don’t want the whole world to see it, DON’T PUT IT ON FACEBOOK.

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