Thursday, October 18, 2012

P90X: The Untold Stories - Day 4

Not too bad this morning... Legs don't seem to hurt as much. Maybe they work again...

/Fall down stairs face first

Scratch that. Legs are completely numb. and broken. Still very broken. Don't bend much at all. This is standard I've been told for men in their.....80's. But hey, at least they don't hurt...while I'm sitting...

Go to work. every set of stairs now looks like this.

But without the trees.

Screw this, I'm taking the elevator. If there's another fire drill, I'm hiding under the desk until it's over.

Tonight, it's Yoga time. Sounds easy...

Day 3: Exercise-Check! Diet-Check!
Day 4: Exercise-Check! Diet-Check! 7 for 8 first four days! A new record! 

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