Monday, October 29, 2012

Top Ten Benefits to Being in the Friend Zone

*If you haven't read part one of this double Top Ten, "Top Ten Signs You've Just Been Friend Zoned," check it out here first:

Now that you know stuck in the friend zone tighter than the lid on a pickle jar, here’s what you should do – take advantage of it! And here’s how:

10. You still get to hang out with the girl all the time, and with absolutely no pressure
Friends don’t judge! You can hang out and play video games in your pajama pants with her and nobody cares. Enjoy that!

9. Learn everything NOT to do in a relationship
All those times she’s complaining about her boyfriend, take notes. There are a lot of good examples in there of stupid things not to do when you’re in a relationship. It’s secondhand experience at its finest.

8. Her dad doesn’t want to kill you
Don’t know if you’ve ever met the dad that isn’t afraid to go back to jail, but trust me; it’s nice not having to look behind your shoulder every time you walk in to your house.

7. Spent your money on yourself!
Best friends don’t pay for dinner, the movies, and putt putt, you get to spend your money on yourself! You know that’s awesome!

6. New Skill: Ability to talk to girls
If you’re super awkward around girls like…uh…other people…(awkward…), then being able to talk to your crush will definitely help you get used to talking to other girls you’d like to date. So take advantage of it. Once you can talk to her without stuttering, consider yourself leveled up.

5. Learn what she likes…for future use?…
Believe it or not, the friend zone isn’t a terminal condition, so all the things you’re learning now could end up being applied later in a future relationship with your friend. And even if you do end up permanently in the fried zone, the info probably has applications mostly everywhere else in life, so really, do start taking notes.

4. The one thing better than a wingman: the wingwoman!
Sure, she probably can’t take one for the team and distract the…more “protective” friends of your target, but she actually has the ability to read a fellow female and help you get a phone number or two. And since she’s your friend, she’d love to help you out with that.

3. Taylor Swift, Adele, etc. have never written a bad song about their friends
T Swift doesn’t want to burn her best friends picks, Adele doesn’t want to rain fire upon her cuddle buddy, you are safe from lyrical destruction! And if you’re saying “But what about Teardrops on my Guitar,” you know that’s because T Swift was in the same boat as you. You got to sympathize!

2. Here, meet my friend…or my sister…
It’s almost her, but two years younger…and in blond! Seriously though, if you’re good to her, she’ll give you her seal of approval within her network, and maybe even set you up with someone you’re a good match for. Don’t let tunnel vision ruin that…

1. Damn good, honest advice
If there’s anyone that will tell you that you look like a complete idiot in that shirt, it’s your female friends. Listen to them. They know WAYYYYYY more than you do about many important subjects.

So there it is. Don’t get so angry in Justfriendistan that you miss the good things you have in front of you. And if you want a soundtrack for where you’re hanging out, I’d suggest “Almost” by Bowling for Soup, “I’d do Anything” by Simple Plan, “Always Be” by Jimmy Eat World, and of course, “Do I Creep You Out” by the great Weird Al Yankovic. Just don’t go listening “Every Breath You Take” by The Police , anything by Death Cab for Cutie, or “I’m Gonna Make You Love Me” by any of the ten plus artists who thought that wasn’t the best stalker song ever. Creepy.

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. People generally relate being friend-zoned as a rejection in life. It’s like you got a reply from your crush that she loves you too but only as a friend, and that is what you would least expect.
    Although most of the people get scared about the idea of being ‘just friends’ with the opposite sex but there are things which are really good about being in this zone. Your friend who is genuinely interested in being your friend is a cool person and not someone who is using your feelings as a means to exploit you. Read more :
