Thursday, October 4, 2012

That's a Funny Looking Mold Formation...

That was my exact thought when doing the dishes for the first time know what, let's not say how long (Let's say four of my six relationships had shorter lifespans than this dishes drought). This "Mold Formation" was chilling at the bottom of one of the glasses that had been buried under Mount Neglecdish, and I was about to start washing it out when it did a rather funny thing.

It moved.

(Oh this is not good...)

And I don't mean it swirled around the bottom of the glass, or did a little dance like jello. No, it moved quickly. I dare say it accelerated. And then I realized what it actually did...

It jumped. Because "it" was a frog. (Well...this does explain the lack of flies in the sink...)

So naturally, I did what any respectable 24 year-old adult would do when they find a frog in their sink. I took a picture of it and texted it to my girlfriend. (Look at my guardian of the sink!) She suggested that I name it Herman and keep him in one of the halves of my sink. I said that was a great name, but I had much better plans for Herman. I was having a problem keeping the fruitflies away from my banana peels in the garbage can. Herman was going to guard that garbage can and hunt those fruitflies so my banana peels could rest in piece. And then on Friday nights he could chill on the couch while we drank Scotch and watched Friday Night Fights. But realizing that it would be really hard to make ice cubes small enough to fit in his froggy cup (he preferred his Scotch on the rocks), I decided I should probably just take him outside and let him go.

And so I did. And that was the end of it.


Until five minutes later.


When I found another frog in my sink. (Oh you have got to be [;-P =) :-D]ing me...)

Now, I hadn't done dishes in a   real.   long.   time.  , so I figured the first frog had just been some sort of mutation from the mysterious depths of Molunt Neglecdish. (Mutations happen all the time in the Caves of Ancient Laundries). But it's highly unlikely that the same mutation would happen twice, so clearly I needed to find out where the frogs were coming from. So after I took Olivia outside (It looked like an Olivia to me), I searched the kitchen sink area and found the source pretty quickly. There was a one inch by twelve inch gap underneath the A/C unit that made a great Underground Railroad for the froggies. And thanks to the Great Wall of Duct Tape, that train doesn't come here anymore.

And so, with my sink free of living things (at least ones that jump), I preceded to conquer Mount Neglecdish...over the next three nights (Don't judge me, we've all been there). And I am proud to say that my sink has been Amphibian free for nine months now.


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