Tuesday, October 16, 2012

P90X: The Untold Stories

Yesterday, I began my 7th or so attempt at completing an longtime goal of mine: Completing a full 90 days of P90X. The past 6 attempts have typically been P7X, but this time, THIS TIME, I'm doing all 90! And the diet too! (Note: I'm doing the diet not for the purpose of losing weight, I'm already unquestionably skinny. The diet helps make sure you pass out AFTER the exercise instead of during it...or in my case, after the warm-up, not before it) And I will of course be blogging the hilarity of the full 90 days - the icing after the workouts, the inability to go up or down stairs, the days where I can't open my car door without crying like Chris Crocker. You know, all the fun stuff you don't get to see with just the before and after pictures. Here's what I plan on blogging:

- Mostly daily updates of whether or I not I did the exercise for the day
- updates every 1 - 3 days of the struggle, written as if I am trying to cross Antartica for the first time or something else that's actually epic
- Weekly post workout pictures depicting my "true" feelings at the time

So if I don't keep up on this, harass the living daylights out of me so I keep writing stories and posting funny pictures and actually do all 90 days. Wish me luck!

Also, here's a very scientific projection of what I should look like afterwards:

Seems accurate. Minus the speedo, definitely not wearing string speedos, not good for diving.

And lastly, today's entry:

Day 2: The First Wake-up

Ow. Not too much ow, only a little ow. Attempted to make the "Nobody Cares" Spongebob rainbow meme half circle with hands, ended up screaming like girl instead. Note to self, arms do not go above head till Thursday. Also, don't jump, that hurts the pecks. Good thing Plyometrics isn't until...Tonight. Damn.

Day 1: Exercise-Check! Diet-Maybe? Chicago Dogs have lots of veggies...
Day 2: Exercise-Check! Diet-Check! 

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