Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Remember Remember the Fifth of Q-vember...

Turns out my friends at my alma mater Rose-hulman have their finals starting next week, November 5th. I think I should write them something. And since Nov.5th is also Guy Fawkes day, and V for Vendetta is a fantastic movie, I think it's timed for a themed entry on the fun of RHIT finals...

Quiet! The oncoming qualm, quantized by a quinary of days, quietly waits to quash the quorum of quirky questers studying in quasi quagmires. These quizzes, no mere queries of quackery, are quixotic questioners of quiddity, now quantified, culminating in the quaffing of quaiches after their quick quartes. However, these quadric quandaries taken in queasy quods cannot quench the quibbling qubits of engineers, qi collectors, never quailing, but perhaps quaking, at the quaint queues of oncoming quid that quoth this quietus. The only quaalude is comedy: a quartet of quality choruses, quippishly requoted, quickly chronicling the quintessential quarrels queerily faced by the quivering quintile questing for graduation’s quietude. Qua, these inequitable quantiles of quartics and quantics shall be conquered, quite easily, and the victorius quartile shall be called Rose-hulman Alumni, and you will call this QED.

Or in other words, I will be taking four popular songs and rewriting them to chronicle the fun of Finals Week at Rose. The first one drops this Sunday night. Enjoy!

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